1 shamrock
Creeping European clover having white to pink flowers and bright green leaves; naturalized in United States; widely grown for forage.
synonyms: dutch clover, Trifolium repens, white clover.
Roget 92: Triality†, trinity; triunity†. three, triad, triplet, trey, trio, ternion†, leash; shamrock, tierce†, spike-team [U.S.], trefoil; ... show more
Polish: koniczyna biała, koniczyna rozesłana
2 shamrock
Eurasian plant with heart-shaped trifoliate leaves and white purple-veined flowers.
synonyms: common wood sorrel, cuckoo bread, Oxalis acetosella.
Polish: szczawik zajęczy, kapusta zajęcza
3 shamrock
Clover native to Ireland with yellowish flowers; often considered the true or original shamrock.
synonyms: hop clover, lesser yellow trefoil, Trifolium dubium.
Polish: koniczyna drobnogłówkowa
Moby thesaurus: armory, badge, badge of office, badges, baton, blazonry, brassard, button, cap and gown, chain, chain of office, class ring, clover, cockade, collar, cross, decoration, deuce-ace, dress, eagle ... show more.
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