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1 wild

A wild primitive state untouched by civilization:
— He lived in the wild.
— They collected mushrooms in the wild.

synonyms: natural state, state of nature.

Roget 344: plain, table-land, face of the country; open country, champaign country; basin, downs, waste, weary waste, desert, wild, steppe, pampas, savanna, ... show more

Dutch: natuur, wild

2 wild

A wild and uninhabited area left in its natural condition:
— It was a wilderness preserved for the hawks and mountaineers.

synonym: wilderness.

Roget 169: unproductiveness etc. adj.; infertility, sterility, infecundity; masturbation; impotence etc. 158; unprofitableness etc. (inutility) ... show more

Dutch: wildernisgebied, wildernis
Polish: pustać


1 wild

Marked by extreme lack of restraint or control.

Roget 954: intemperate, inabstinent; sensual, self-indulgent; voluptuous, luxurious, licentious, wild, dissolute, rakish, fast, debauched.    brutish, crapulous, ... show more

Roget 458: inattentive; unobservant, unmindful, heedless, unthinking, unheeding, undiscerning; inadvertent; mindless, regardless, respectless, listless etc. (indifferent) ... show more

Roget 473: improbable, unlikely, contrary to all reasonable expectation; wild [Coll.], far out [Coll.], out of sight [Coll.], outtasight [Coll.], heavy [Coll.].    rare etc. (infrequent) 137; unheard of, ... show more

Roget 623: unsought, unattempted; avoiding etc. v.; neutral, shy of etc. (unwilling) 603; elusive, evasive; fugitive, runaway; ... show more

Roget 699: unskillful etc. 698; inexpert; bungling etc. v.; awkward, clumsy, unhandy, lubberly, gauche, maladroit; ... show more

Roget 863: rash, incautious, indiscreet; imprudent, improvident, temerarious; uncalculating; heedless; careless etc. (neglectful) 460; without ballast, heels over head, ... show more

2 wild

In a natural state; not tamed or domesticated or cultivated:
— Wild geese.
— Edible wild plants.

synonym: untamed.

Dutch: ongetemd
Polish: dziki

3 wild

In a state of extreme emotion.

4 wild

Deviating widely from an intended course.

5 wild

of colors or sounds Intensely vivid or loud:
— Wild colors.
— Wild shouts.

synonym: violent.

6 wild

Without a basis in reason or fact.

synonyms: baseless, groundless, idle, unfounded, unwarranted.

Polish: bezzasadny, bezpodstawny, nieuzasadniony, niezasadny

7 wild

Talking or behaving irrationally.

synonym: raving mad.

8 wild

Involving risk or danger:
— A wild financial scheme.

synonyms: hazardous, risky.

Polish: śmiały, brawurowy

9 wild

Fanciful and unrealistic; foolish.

synonym: fantastic.

10 wild

Located in a dismal or remote area; desolate:
— A godforsaken wilderness crossroads.
— A wild stretch of land.

synonyms: godforsaken, waste.

Polish: zapadły, głuchy

11 wild

Intensely enthusiastic about or preoccupied with.

synonyms: crazy, dotty, gaga.

Roget 503: insane, mad, lunatic, loony [Coll.]; crazy, crazed, aliene, non compos mentis; not right, cracked, touched; bereft of reason; all possessed, ... show more

12 wild

Without civilizing influences:
— Wild tribes.

synonyms: barbarian, barbaric, savage, uncivilised, uncivilized.

Roget 851: in bad taste vulgar, unrefined.    coarse, indecorous, ribald, gross; unseemly, unbeseeming, unpresentable; contra bonos mores [Lat.]; ungraceful etc. (ugly) 846.    ... show more

Polish: barbarzyński, niecywilizowany, nieucywilizowany

13 wild

of the elements As if showing violent anger.

synonyms: angry, furious, raging, tempestuous.

Roget 825: excitable, easily excited, in an excitable state; high-strung; irritable etc. (irascible) 901; impatient, intolerant.    feverish, febrile, hysterical; delirious, ... show more

Roget 900: angry, wrath, irate; ireful, wrathful; cross etc. (irascible) 901; Achillean; sulky, etc. 901.1; bitter, ... show more

Roget 824: excited etc. v.; wrought up, up the qui vive [Fr.], astir, sparkling; in a quiver etc. 821, in a fever, in a ferment, in a blaze, ... show more

Roget 173: violent, vehement; warm; acute, sharp; rough, rude, ungentle, bluff, boisterous, wild; brusque, abrupt, ... show more


1 wild

In an uncontrolled and rampant manner.

synonym: rampantly.

2 wild

In a wild or undomesticated manner.

Moby thesaurus: Arabia Deserta, Death Valley, Dionysiac, Gothic, Neanderthal, Sahara, abandoned, absurd, accident-prone, addled, adventurous, agitated, agrarian, amok, anarchic, angry, animal, at fever pitch, atrocious, audacious ... show more.

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