English synonyms about - contact  



1 disappoint

Fail to meet the hopes or expectations of.

synonym: let down.

Roget 509: be disappointed; look blank, look blue; look aghast, stand aghast etc. (wonder) 870; find to one's cost; laugh on the wrong side of one's mouth; find one a false prophet.    not realize one's hope, not realize one's expectation.    ... show more

Roget 832: be discontented etc. adj.; quarrel with one's bread and butter; repine; regret etc. 833; wish one at the bottom of the Red Sea; take on, take to heart; shrug the shoulders; make a wry face, pull a long face; ... show more

Dutch: afknappen, beschamen, flippen, teleurstellen

Moby thesaurus: awaken, baffle, balk, beat, bilk, break the spell, burst the bubble, cast down, circumvent, correct, cross, dash, debunk, deceive, defeat, defeat expectation, disabuse, discontent, disenchant, disgruntle ... show more.

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