English synonyms about - contact  

connive at


1 connive at

Give one's silent approval to.

synonym: wink at.

Roget 760: permit; give permission etc. n., give power; let, allow, admit; suffer, bear with, tolerate, recognize; concede etc. ... show more

Roget 460: be negligent etc. adj.; take no care of etc. (take care of) etc. 459; neglect; let slip, let go; lay aside, set aside, cst aside, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: OK, accede to, accept, accord to, agree to, allow for, approve, approve of, assent, be blind to, be caught out, be inattentive, be unwary, be willing, bear, bear with, blink at, brook, condescend, condone ... show more.

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