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1 dust

Fine powdery material such as dry earth or pollen that can be blown about in the air.

Roget 653: uncleanness etc. adj.; impurity; immundity, immundicity; impurity etc. 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination etc. v.; ... show more

Roget 362: corpse, corse, carcass, cadaver, bones, skeleton, dry bones; defunct, relics, reliquiae [Lat.], remains, mortal remains, dust, ashes, ... show more

Roget 320: levity; lightness etc. adj.; imponderability, buoyancy, volatility.    feather, dust, mote, down, thistle, down, flue, ... show more

Roget 800: money, legal tender; money matters, money market; finance; accounts etc. 811; funds, treasure; capital, stock; assets etc. ... show more

Dutch: stof
Polish: proch, pył

2 dust

The remains of something that has been destroyed or broken up.

synonyms: debris, detritus, junk, rubble.

Roget 330: powderiness [State of powder.], pulverulence; sandiness etc. adj.; efflorescence; friability.    powder, dust, sand, shingle; sawdust; grit; ... show more

Dutch: bik, puin, restanten, steenbik, wrakhout, wrakstukken
Polish: gruz

3 dust

Free microscopic particles of solid material.

Dutch: afstoffen, stoffen, stof, gruis
Polish: pył meteorowy, pył gwiezdny, pył kosmiczny


1 dust

Remove the dust from.

Dutch: afdoen, afvegen

2 dust

Rub the dust over a surface so as to blur the outlines of a shape.

3 dust

Cover with a light dusting of a substance.

4 dust

Distribute loosely.

synonyms: disperse, dot, scatter, sprinkle.

Dutch: verstrooien

Moby thesaurus: acres, air, air pollution, alluvion, alluvium, altercation, arable land, ashes, attritus, bamboozle, barrel, beat, beeline, begrime, bemire, bemud, besmoke, besprinkle, bickering, biscuit ... show more.

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