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Roget category 859

6. Words relating to the sentient and moral
6.2. Personal affections
›› 6.2.3. Prospective affections

#859. [Absence, want or loss of hope.] Hopelessness


hopelessness etc. adj. — despair, desperationdespondency, depression etc. (dejection) 837pessimism, pessimistJob's comforterbird of bad omen, bird of ill omen.
abandonment, desolation resignation, surrender, submission etc. 725.
hope deferred, dashed hopesvain expectation etc. (disappointment) 509.
airy hopes etc. etc. 858forlorn hopegone case, dead duck, gone coon [U.S.]goner [Slang]bad job, bad businessenfant perdu [Fr.]gloomy horizon, black spots in the horizonslough of Despond, cave of Despairimmedicabile vulnus [Lat.].


despairlose all hope, give up all hope, abandon all hope, relinquish all hope, lose the hope of, give up the hope of, abandon the hope of, relinquish the hope ofgive up, give overyield to despairfalterdespond etc. (be dejected) 837jeter le manche apres la cognee [Fr.].
inspire despair, drive to despair etc. n. — disconcertdash one's hopes, crush one's hopes, destroy one's hopeshope against hope.
abandonresign, surrender, submit etc. 725.


hopeless, desperate, despairing, gone, in despair, au desespoir [Fr.], forlorn, desolateinconsolable etc. (dejected) 837broken hearted.
unpromising, unpropitiousinauspicious, ill-omened, threatening, clouded over.
out of the question, not to be thought ofimpracticable etc. 471past hope, past cure, past mending, past recallat one's last gasp etc. (death) 360given up, given over.
incurable, cureless, immedicable, remediless, beyond remedyincorrigibleirreparable, irremediable, irrecoverable, irreversible, irretrievable, irreclaimable, irredeemable, irrevocableruined, undoneimmitigable.


lasciate ogni speranza voi ch'entrate" [Dante]; its days are numberedthe worst come to the worstno change, no pause, no hope, yet I endure" [Shelley]; O dark, dark, dark, amid the blaze of noon" [Milton]; mene mene tekel upharson" [Old Testament].

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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