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1 filth

Any substance considered disgustingly foul or unpleasant.

synonyms: crud, skank.

Polish: brudy

2 filth

The state of being covered with unclean things.

synonyms: dirt, grease, grime, grunge, soil, stain.

Roget 653: uncleanness etc. adj.; impurity; immundity, immundicity; impurity etc. 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination etc. v.; ... show more

Dutch: vet, afval, vuiligheid, vuil, derrie, smurrie, viezigheid
Polish: zabrudzenie się, pobrudzenie się, uwalanie się

3 filth

A state characterized by foul or disgusting dirt and refuse.

synonyms: filthiness, foulness, nastiness.

4 filth

An offensive or indecent word or phrase.

synonyms: dirty word, obscenity, smut, vulgarism.

Polish: świństwo, gruby wyraz, łacina, brzydki wyraz, wulgaryzm

Moby thesaurus: Rabelaisianism, X-rated movie, abominableness, adulteration, atrociousness, awfulness, bad language, baseness, bawdiness, bawdry, beastliness, besmirchment, bestiality, billingsgate, blue language, blue movie, brutality, carrion, colorful language, contemptibleness ... show more.

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