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put out


1 put out

To cause inconvenience or discomfort to.

synonyms: bother, discommode, disoblige, incommode, inconvenience, trouble.

Roget 475: be uncertain etc. adj.; wonder whether.    lose the clue, lose the clew, scent; miss one's way.    not know what to make of etc. (unintelligibility) 519, not know which way to turn, not know whether one stands on one s head or one's not know whether one stands on one s head or one's heels; ... show more

Roget 832: be discontented etc. adj.; quarrel with one's bread and butter; repine; regret etc. 833; wish one at the bottom of the Red Sea; take on, take to heart; shrug the shoulders; make a wry face, pull a long face; ... show more

Roget 458: be inattentive etc. adj.; overlook, disregard; pass by etc. (neglect) 460; not observe etc. 457; think little of.    close one's eyes to, ... show more

Roget 421: be dark etc. adj.. darken, obscure, shade; dim; tone down, lower; overcast, overshadow; eclipse; obfuscate, offuscate; ... show more

Roget 385: cool, fan, refrigerate, refresh, ice; congeal, freeze, glaciate; benumb, starve, pinch, chill, petrify, chill to the marrow, ... show more

Roget 220: be exterior etc. adj.; lie around etc. 227.    place exteriorly, place outwardly, place outside; put out, turn out.   

Roget 162: be destroyed &c.; perish; fall to the ground; tumble, topple; go to pieces, fall to pieces; break up; crumble to dust; go to the dogs, go to the wall, go to smash, go to shivers, ... show more

Roget 874: be inglorious etc. adj.; incur disgrace etc. n.; have a bad name, earn a bad name; put a halter round one's neck, wear a halter round one's neck; disgrace oneself, expose oneself.    play second fiddle; ... show more

2 put out

Put out considerable effort.

3 put out

Deprive of the oxygen necessary for combustion.

synonym: smother.

Roget 388a: go out, die out, burn out; fizzle.    extinguish; damp, slack, quench, smother; put out, stamp out; douse, snuff, ... show more

4 put out

Thrust or extend out.

synonyms: exsert, extend, hold out, stretch forth, stretch out.

Dutch: achterhouden

5 put out

Put out, as of a candle or a light.

synonym: douse.

Dutch: blussen

6 put out

Be sexually active.

7 put out

Cause to be out on a fielding play.

synonym: retire.

Dutch: toegeven

8 put out


9 put out

Prepare and issue for public distribution or sale.

synonyms: bring out, issue, publish, release.

Dutch: publiceren, uitgeven

10 put out

Administer an anesthetic drug to.

synonyms: anaesthetise, anaesthetize, anesthetise, anesthetize, put under.

Dutch: narcotiseren, verdoven


Roget 458: inattentive; unobservant, unmindful, heedless, unthinking, unheeding, undiscerning; inadvertent; mindless, regardless, respectless, listless etc. (indifferent) ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abash, abashed, abroad, addle, addle the wits, adrift, afflicted, aggravate, aggravated, agitated, ail, air, annoy, annoyed, appall, astound, astray, at sea, ball up, balled-up ... show more.

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