English synonyms about - contact  

reckon without one's host


Roget 495: be erroneous etc. adj.. cause error; mislead, misguide; lead astray, lead into error; beguile, misinform etc. (misteach) 538; delude; ... show more

Roget 699: be unskillful etc. adj.; not see an inch beyond one's nose; blunder, bungle, boggle, fumble, botch, bitch, flounder, stumble, trip; hobble ... show more

Roget 732: fail; be unsuccessful etc. adj.; not succeed etc. 731; make vain efforts etc. n.; do in vain, labor in vain, toil in vain; flunk [U.S.]; ... show more

Roget 863: be rash etc. adj.; stick at nothing, play a desperate game; run into danger etc. 665; play with fire, play with edge tools.    carry too much sail, sail too near the wind, ride at single anchor, ... show more

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