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1 miss

A young female.

synonyms: fille, girl, missy, young lady, young woman.

Roget 495: error, fallacy; misconception, misapprehension, misstanding, misunderstanding; inexactness etc. adj.; laxity; misconstruction etc. (misinterpretation) 523; ... show more

Roget 129: infant, babe, baby, babe in arms; nurseling, suckling, yearling, weanling; papoose, bambino; kid; vagitus.    child, bairn [Scot.], ... show more

Roget 732: failure; nonsuccess, nonfulfillment; dead failure, successlessness; abortion, miscarriage; brutum fulmen etc. 158 [Lat.]; labor in vain etc. (inutility) 645; ... show more

Roget 962: libertine; voluptuary etc. 954.1; rake, debauchee, loose fish, rip, rakehell, fast man; intrigant, gallant, seducer, fornicator, ... show more

Dutch: juffie, jongedame, jongejuffrouw, juf
Polish: córka, dziewczyna, córeczka

2 miss

A failure to hit (or meet or find etc).

synonym: misfire.

Dutch: missen, misslag
Polish: chybienie, spudłowanie

3 Miss

A form of address for an unmarried woman.

Dutch: misser, mejuffrouw, juffrouw


1 miss

Fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind:
— I missed that remark.
— She missed his point.

synonym: lose.

Roget 865: desire; wish, wish for; be desirous etc. adj.. have a longing etc. n.; hope etc. 858.    care for, affect, ... show more

Roget 776: lose; incur a loss, experience a loss, meet with a loss; miss; mislay, let slip, allow to slip through the fingers; be without etc. (exempt) 777.1; forfeit.    get rid of ... show more

Roget 732: fail; be unsuccessful etc. adj.; not succeed etc. 731; make vain efforts etc. n.; do in vain, labor in vain, toil in vain; flunk [U.S.]; ... show more

Roget 519: be unintelligible etc. adj.; require explanation etc. 522; have a doubtful meaning, pass comprehension.    render unintelligible etc. adj.; conceal etc. 528; ... show more

Dutch: ontgaan, ontglippen, ontsnappen, voorbijgaan

2 miss

Feel or suffer from the lack of.

Dutch: missen

3 miss

Fail to attend an event or activity.

Dutch: ergens, missen, ontwijken, snappen, verzuimen

4 miss

Leave undone or leave out:
— How could I miss that typo?.
— The workers on the conveyor belt miss one out of ten.

synonyms: drop, leave out, neglect, omit, overleap, overlook, pretermit.

Roget 460: be negligent etc. adj.; take no care of etc. (take care of) etc. 459; neglect; let slip, let go; lay aside, set aside, cst aside, ... show more

Dutch: verwaarlozen, weglaten, overslaan, overspringen, skippen

5 miss

Fail to reach or get to.

6 miss

Be without:
— There is something missing in my jewelry box!.

synonym: lack.

Dutch: gebrek hebben, mankeren, missen, ontbreken, schorten

7 miss

Fail to reach.

Dutch: missen

8 miss

Be absent.

9 miss

Fail to experience:
— Fortunately, I missed the hurricane.

synonym: escape.

Dutch: ontkomen, ontlopen, ontsnappen

Moby thesaurus: abandon, avoid, babe, baby, bachelor girl, be bereaved of, be blind to, be caught out, be inattentive, be unwary, bird, blink at, blunder, broad, bungle, chick, clerical error, coed, colleen, come short ... show more.

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