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1 age

How long something has existed.

Roget 118: the present, the present time, the present day, the present moment, the present juncture, the present occasion; the times, the existing time, the time being; today, these days, nowadays, our times, modern times, ... show more

Roget 106: time, duration; period, term, stage, space, span, spell, season; the whole time, the whole period; space-time; course ... show more

Roget 108: period, age, era; second, minute, hour, day, week, month, quarter, year, decade, decenniumm lustrum, quinquennium, ... show more

Roget 124: oldness etc. adj.; age, antiquity; cobwebs of antiquity.    maturity; decline, decay; senility etc. 128.    seniority, eldership, ... show more

Dutch: ouderdom
Polish: wiek

2 age

An era of history having some distinctive feature:
— We live in a litigious age.

synonym: historic period.

Dutch: tijdvak, tijdperk, era
Polish: czas, epoka, przedział czasowy, okres, era, czasy

3 age

A time of life (usually defined in years) at which some particular qualification or power arises:
— She was now of school age.

synonym: eld.

Dutch: epoch, volwassenheid, era, leeftijd, meerderjarigheid, tijd, ouderdom, tijdperk
Polish: wiek

4 age

A prolonged period of time:
— We've known each other for ages.

synonyms: long time, years.

Dutch: leeftijd
Polish: lata

5 age

A late time of life:
— Old age is not for sissies.
— Age hasn't slowed him down at all.

synonyms: eld, geezerhood, old age, years.

Roget 128: age; oldness etc. adj.; old age, advanced age, golden years; senility, senescence; years, anility, gray hairs, climacteric, grand climacteric, ... show more

Dutch: levensavond, ouderdom
Polish: starość, podeszły wiek


1 age

Begin to seem older; get older.

Dutch: vergrijzen, verouderen, verouwelijken

2 age

Grow old or older:
— She aged gracefully.
— We age every day--what a depressing thought!.

synonyms: get on, maturate, mature, senesce.

Roget 124: be old etc. adj.; have had its day, have seen its day; become old etc. adj.; age, fade, senesce.   

Roget 128: be aged etc. adj.; grow old, get old etc. adj.; age; decline, wane, dodder; senesce.   

3 age

Make older.

Moby thesaurus: Bronze Age, Dark Ages, Depression Era, Golden Age, Ice Age, Iron Age, Jacksonian Age, Middle Ages, New Deal Era, Platonic year, Prohibition Era, Silver Age, Steel Age, Stone Age, abidingness, aboriginality, aeon, ages, ancien regime, ancientness ... show more.

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