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1 tartar

A salt used especially in baking powder.

synonyms: cream of tartar, potassium bitartrate, potassium hydrogen tartrate.

Roget 653: uncleanness etc. adj.; impurity; immundity, immundicity; impurity etc. 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination etc. v.; ... show more

Polish: wodorowinian potasu, winny kamień, tartarus, E 336, kwaśny winian potasu

2 tartar

A fiercely vigilant and unpleasant woman.

synonym: dragon.

Dutch: dragonder, lintworm, draak
Polish: dragon, harpia, hetera, megiera, wampirzyca

3 Tartar

A member of the Mongolian people of central Asia who invaded Russia in the 13th century.

synonyms: Mongol Tatar, Tatar.

4 tartar

An incrustation that forms on the teeth and gums.

synonyms: calculus, tophus.

Dutch: tandsteen
Polish: kamień nazębny

Roget 901: irascibility, irascibleness, temper; crossness etc. adj.; susceptibility, procacity, petulance, irritability, tartness, acerbity, protervity; pugnacity ... show more

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