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1 dunghill

A foul or degraded condition.

2 dunghill

A heap of dung or refuse.

synonyms: midden, muckheap, muckhill.

Roget 653: uncleanness etc. adj.; impurity; immundity, immundicity; impurity etc. 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination etc. v.; ... show more

Dutch: vaalt
Polish: gnojnik, gnojowisko, gnojownia


Roget 862: coward, cowardly; fearful, shy; timid, timorous; skittish; poor-spirited, spiritless, soft, effeminate.    weak-minded; infirm of purpose etc. ... show more

Roget 876: ignoble, common, mean, low, base, vile, sorry, scrubby, beggarly; below par; no great shakes etc. (unimportant) 643; ... show more

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