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1 vermin

An irritating or obnoxious person.

synonym: varmint.

Roget 366: animal, animal kingdom; fauna; brute creation.    beast, brute, creature, critter [U.S.]; wight, created being; creeping thing, living thing; dumb animal, ... show more

Roget 653: uncleanness etc. adj.; impurity; immundity, immundicity; impurity etc. 961 [of mind]. defilement, contamination etc. v.; ... show more

Roget 876: commonalty, democracy; obscurity; low condition, low life, low society, low company; bourgeoisie; mass of the people, mass of society; Brown Jones and Robinson; lower classes, humbler classes, ... show more

Polish: wredota

2 vermin

Any of various small animals or insects that are pests; e.g. cockroaches or rats.

Dutch: ongedierte
Polish: szkodnik

Moby thesaurus: amphibian, animal, aquatic, beast, biped, canine, cannibal, carnivore, cattle, chaff, cosmopolite, cur, dog, dregs, dregs of society, feline, gnawer, herbivore, hound, hyena ... show more.

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