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1 victimize

Make a victim of:
— I was victimized by this con-man.

synonym: victimise.

Roget 361: kill, put to death, slay, shed blood; murder, assassinate, butcher, slaughter, victimize, immolate; massacre; take away life, deprive of life; make away with, ... show more

Roget 649: be hurtful etc. adj.; cause evil, produce evil, inflict evil, work evil, do evil etc. 619; damnify, endamage, hurt, ... show more

Roget 731: succeed; be successful etc. adj.; gain one's end, gain one's ends; crown with success.    gain a point, attain a point, carry a point, secure a point, win a point, win an object; get there [U.S.]; ... show more

2 victimize

Punish unjustly.

synonym: victimise.

3 victimize

Deprive of by deceit.

synonyms: bunco, con, defraud, diddle, goldbrick, hornswoggle, mulct, nobble, rook, scam ... show more.

Roget 545: deceive, take in; defraud, cheat, jockey, do, cozen, diddle, nab, chouse, play one false, bilk, cully, jilt, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: bamboozle, beat, beguile of, beset, bilk, bleed, bleed white, bully, bunco, burn, cheat, chisel, chouse, chouse out of, circumvent, clip, cog, cog the dice, con, cozen ... show more.

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