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1 brothel

A building where prostitutes are available.

synonyms: bagnio, bawdyhouse, bordello, cathouse, house of ill repute, house of prostitution, sporting house, whorehouse.

Roget 945: vice; evil-doing, evil courses; wrongdoing; wickedness, viciousness etc. adj.; iniquity, peccability, demerit; sin, Adam; old Adam, ... show more

Roget 961: impurity; uncleanness etc. (filth) 653; immodesty; grossness etc. adj.; indelicacy, indecency; impudicity; obscenity, ribaldry, ... show more

Dutch: bordeel, Bordello, eroscentrum, hoerenhuis, hoerenkot, massagesalon, Venustempel, verwenhuis
Polish: agencja towarzyska, dom publiczny

Moby thesaurus: Babylon, Gomorrah, Sodom, bagnio, bawdy house, bawdyhouse, bordello, cathouse, clip joint, crib, den, den of iniquity, den of thieves, den of vice, disorderly house, dive, dump, fancy house, fleshpots, gyp joint ... show more.

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