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1 lay

A narrative song with a recurrent refrain.

synonym: ballad.

Roget 597: poetry, poetics, poesy, Muse, Calliope, tuneful Nine, Parnassus, Helicon, Pierides, Pierian spring.    versification, rhyming, making verses; ... show more

Roget 415: music; concert; strain, tune, air; melody etc. 413; aria, arietta; piece of music [Fr.], work, number, opus; ... show more

Roget 344: plain, table-land, face of the country; open country, champaign country; basin, downs, waste, weary waste, desert, wild, steppe, pampas, savanna, ... show more

Dutch: ballade
Polish: ballada

2 lay

A narrative poem of popular origin.

synonym: ballad.

Dutch: ballade


1 lay

Put into a certain place or abstract location.

synonyms: place, pose, position, put, set.

Roget 184: place, situate, locate, localize, make a place for, put, lay, set, seat, station, lodge, quarter, post, install; ... show more

Dutch: zetten, neerzetten, brengen, plaatsen, stellen

2 lay

Put in a horizontal position:
— Lay the books on the table.
— Lay the patient carefully onto the bed.

synonyms: put down, repose.

Roget 621: chance etc. (hap) 156; stand a chance etc. (be possible) 470.    toss up; cast lots, draw lots; leave to chance, trust to chance, leave to the chapter of accidents, ... show more

Roget 174: be moderate etc. adj.; keep within bounds, keep within compass; sober down, settle down; keep the peace, remit, relent, take in sail.    moderate, soften, mitigate, ... show more

Roget 161: produce, perform, operate, do, make, gar, form, construct, fabricate, frame, contrive, manufacture; weave, ... show more

Roget 706: hinder, impede, filibuster [U.S.], impedite, embarrass.    keep off, stave off, ward off; obviate; avert, antevert; turn aside, draw off, ... show more

Dutch: aanleggen, afleggen, platleggen

3 lay

Prepare or position for action or operation.

4 lay

Lay eggs.

Dutch: leggen

5 lay

Impose as a duty, burden, or punishment.


1 lay

Characteristic of those who are not members of the clergy:
— The lay ministry.

synonyms: laic, secular.

Roget 997: secular, lay, laical, civil, temporal, profane.   

Polish: świecki, niereligijny, laicki, bezreligijny

2 lay

Not of or from a profession.

Moby thesaurus: Brautlied, Christmas carol, Kunstlied, Liebeslied, Volkslied, abate, accredit, address, advance, aim, air, alba, align, allay, allege, alleviate, anesthetize, ante, ante up, anthem ... show more.

Find more on lay elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 lie

A statement that deviates from or perverts the truth.

synonym: prevarication.

Roget 545: deception; falseness etc. 544; untruth etc. 546; imposition, imposture; fraud, deceit, guile; fraudulence, fraudulency; ... show more

Roget 546: untruth, falsehood, lie, story, thing that is not, fib, bounce, crammer, taradiddle, whopper; jhuth.    forgery, fabrication, invention; ... show more

Polish: kłamstwo, łgarstwo, kłam

2 Lie

Norwegian diplomat who was the first Secretary General of the United Nations (1896-1968).

synonyms: Trygve Halvden Lie, Trygve Lie.

3 lie

Position or manner in which something is situated.


1 lie

Be located or situated somewhere; occupy a certain position.

Roget 545: deceive, take in; defraud, cheat, jockey, do, cozen, diddle, nab, chouse, play one false, bilk, cully, jilt, ... show more

Roget 538: misinform, misteach, misdescribe, misinstruct, miscorrect; misdirect, misguide; pervert; put on a false scent, throw off the scent, throw off the trail; deceive etc. 545; ... show more

Roget 544: be false etc. adj., be a liar etc. 548; speak falsely etc. adv.; tell a lie etc. 546; lie, fib; ... show more

Roget 183: be situated, be situate; lie, have its seat in.   

Roget 495: be erroneous etc. adj.. cause error; mislead, misguide; lead astray, lead into error; beguile, misinform etc. (misteach) 538; delude; ... show more

2 lie

Be lying, be prostrate; be in a horizontal position.

Dutch: rusten, liggen

3 lie

Originate (in).

synonyms: consist, dwell, lie in.

Roget 186: exist in space, be present etc. adj.; assister; make one of, make one at; look on, attend, remain; find oneself, present oneself; show one's face; ... show more

4 lie

Be and remain in a particular state or condition.

Dutch: aanliggen, liggen

5 lie

Tell an untruth; pretend with intent to deceive.

6 lie

Have a place in relation to something else:
— The fate of Bosnia lies in the hands of the West.
— The responsibility rests with the Allies.

synonym: rest.

7 lie

Assume a reclining position:
— Lie down on the bed until you feel better.

synonym: lie down.

Roget 213: be horizontal etc. adj.; lie, recline, couch; lie down, lie flat, lie prostrate; sprawl, loll, sit down.    render horizontal etc. ... show more

Dutch: gaan liggen, neervlijen

Moby thesaurus: aim, aspect, attitude, azimuth, be found, be located, be met with, be present, be situated, be there, be untruthful, bearing, bearings, beguile, bent, blague, bouncer, canard, carry, celestial navigation ... show more.

Find more on lie elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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