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1 mufti

A jurist who interprets Muslim religious law.

Roget 225: clothing, investment; covering etc. 223; dress, raiment, drapery, costume, attire, guise, toilet, toilette, trim; ... show more

Roget 967: judge; justice, justiciar, justiciary; chancellor; justice of assize, judge of assize; recorder, common sergeant; puisne judge, assistant judge, county court judge; conservator of the peace, justice of the peace; ... show more

Roget 996: clergy, clericals, ministry, priesthood, presbytery, the cloth, the desk.    clergyman, divine, ecclesiastic, churchman, priest, presbyter, hierophant, ... show more

Dutch: moefti
Polish: mufti, mufty

2 mufti

Civilian dress worn by a person who is entitled to wear a military uniform.

Dutch: burgertenue, moefti

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