English synonyms about - contact  

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry

jump to corresponding sense entry



1 match

Lighter consisting of a thin piece of wood or cardboard tipped with combustible chemical; ignites with friction:
— He always carries matches to light his pipe.

synonyms: friction match, lucifer.

Roget 384: increase of temperature; heating etc. v.; calefaction, tepefaction, torrefaction; melting, fusion; liquefaction etc. 335; burning etc. ... show more

Roget 388: fuel, firing, combustible.    [solid fuels] coal, wallsend, anthracite, culm, coke, carbon, charcoal, bituminous coal, tar shale; turf, ... show more

Roget 720: contention, strife; contest, contestation; struggle; belligerency; opposition etc. 708.    controversy, polemics; debate etc. (discussion) ... show more

Roget 465b: identification, recognition, diagnosis, match; apperception, assimilation; dereplication; classification; memory etc. 505; interpretation etc. 522; ... show more

Polish: zapałka

2 match

A formal contest in which two or more persons or teams compete.

Polish: mecz

3 match

A burning piece of wood or cardboard.

4 match

An exact duplicate:
— When a match is found an entry is made in the notebook.

synonym: mate.

Roget 903: marriage, matrimony, wedlock, union, intermarriage, miscegenation, the bonds of marriage, vinculum matrimonii [Lat.], nuptial tie.    married state, coverture, bed, cohabitation.    match; ... show more

Roget 17: similarity, resemblance, likeness, similitude, semblance; affinity, approximation, parallelism; agreement etc. 23; analogy, analogicalness; correspondence, ... show more

5 match

The score needed to win a match.

6 match

A person regarded as a good matrimonial prospect.

synonym: catch.

Dutch: verovering

7 match

A person who is of equal standing with another in a group.

synonyms: compeer, equal, peer.

Roget 27: equality, parity, coextension, symmetry, balance, poise; evenness, monotony, level.    equivalence; equipollence, equipoise, equilibrium, ... show more

Dutch: edele, evenknie, gelijke, leeftijdgenoot

8 match

A pair of people who live together.

synonyms: couple, mates.

9 match

Something that resembles or harmonizes with.


1 match

Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics:
— The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun.

synonyms: agree, check, correspond, fit, gibe, jibe, tally.

Roget 465b: identify, recognize, match, match up; classify; recall, remember etc. (memory) 505; find similarity (similarity) 17; put in its proper place, ... show more

Roget 23: be accordant etc. adj.; agree, accord, harmonize; correspond, tally, respond; meet, suit, fit, befit, ... show more

Roget 19: imitate, copy, mirror, reflect, reproduce, repeat; do like, echo, reecho, catch; transcribe; match, parallel.    ... show more

Roget 17: be similar etc. adj.; look like, resemble, bear resemblance; smack of, savor of, approximate; parallel, match, rhyme with; take after; imitate ... show more

Roget 465: discriminate, distinguish, severalize; recognize, match, identify; separate; draw the line, sift; separate the chaff from the wheat, winnow the chaff from the wheat; separate the men from the boys; split hairs, draw a fine line, ... show more

Dutch: overeenkomen, overeenstemmen, rijmen, sluiten, stroken

2 match

Provide funds complementary to.

3 match

Bring two objects, ideas, or people together:
— Matchmaker, can you match my daughter with a nice young man?.

synonyms: couple, mate, pair, twin.

Dutch: koppelen

4 match

Be equal to in quality or ability:
— Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents.

synonyms: equal, rival, touch.

Dutch: evenaren, opwegen

5 match

Make correspond or harmonize:
— Match my sweater.

synonym: fit.

6 match

Give or join in marriage.

7 match

Set into opposition or rivalry:
— Let them match their best athletes against ours.

synonyms: oppose, pit, play off.

8 match

Be equal or harmonize.

Dutch: passen

9 match

Make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching:
— The company matched the discount policy of its competitors.

synonyms: equal, equalise, equalize, equate.

Roget 27: be equal etc. adj.; equal, match, reach, keep pace with, run abreast; come to, amount to, come up to; be on a level with, lie on a level with; ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Congreve, Congreve match, Olympic games, Olympics, a world-without-end bargain, accompany, accord, accumulate, adjust, admit of comparison, adversary, affiliation, agglomerate, aggregate, aggroup, agree, align, alliance, amass, amount to ... show more.

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