English synonyms about - contact  

fall in with


Roget 82: conform to, conform to rule; accommodate oneself to, adapt oneself to; rub off corners.    be regular etc. adj.; move in a groove; follow observe the rules, go by the rules, bend to the rules, obey the rules, obey the precedents; ... show more

Roget 714: agree etc. 23; accord, harmonize with; fraternize; be concordant etc. adj.; go hand in hand; run parallel etc. (concur) 178; ... show more

Roget 290: converge, concur, come together, unite, meet, fall in with; close with, close in upon; center round, center in; enter in; pour in.    gather together, ... show more

Roget 480a: discover, find, determine, evolve, learn etc. 539; fix upon; pick up; find out, trace out, make out, hunt out, fish out, ... show more

Roget 762: consent; assent etc. 488; yield assent, admit, allow, concede, grant, yield; come round, come over; give into, acknowledge, ... show more

Roget 23: be accordant etc. adj.; agree, accord, harmonize; correspond, tally, respond; meet, suit, fit, befit, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: accommodate, accommodate with, accord, acquiesce, acquire, adapt, adapt to, adjust, adjust to, agree, agree in opinion, agree with, alight upon, approach, assimilate to, be guided by, be persuaded, be responsible for, bend, blunder upon ... show more.

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