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medicinemedical specialtymedical scienceallergologyanesthesiologyangiologybacteriologybiomedicinebiomedicinecardiologydental medicinedentistryodontologyprostheticsdermatologyemergency medicineendocrinologyepidemiologyforensic medicineforensic pathologygastroenterologygeriatricsgerontologygynaecologygynecologyhaematologyhematologyhygienehygienics

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1 medicine

The branches of medical science that deal with nonsurgical techniques.

synonym: medical specialty.

Dutch: artsenijleer, geneeskunde, medicijn, medicijnen

2 medicine

medicine Something that treats or prevents or alleviates the symptoms of disease.

synonyms: medicament, medication, medicinal drug.

Roget 662: remedy, help, cure, redress; medicine, medicament; diagnosis, medical examination; medical treatment; surgery; preventive medicine.    [medical devices] clinical thermometer, ... show more

Dutch: farmacon, geneesmiddel, heelmiddel, medicament, medicijn
Polish: lek, lekarstwo, medykament, remedium, specyfik

3 medicine

The learned profession that is mastered by graduate training in a medical school and that is devoted to preventing or alleviating or curing diseases and injuries:
— He studied medicine at Harvard.

synonym: practice of medicine.

Dutch: geneeskunde, artsenij, geneesmiddel, medicijn
Polish: medycyna

4 medicine

Punishment for one's actions:
— Take your medicine.

synonym: music.


1 medicine

Treat medicinally, treat with medicine.

synonym: medicate.

Moby thesaurus: anatomy, anesthesiology, audiology, bacteriology, balm, balsam, cardiology, chiropody, corpse reviver, cure, cure-all, dental surgery, dentistry, dermatology, diagnostics, drops, drug, electuary, elixir, embryology ... show more.

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