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1 merriment

A gay feeling.

synonym: gaiety.

Roget 836: cheerfulness etc. adj.; geniality, gayety, l'allegro [Fr.], cheer, good humor, spirits; high spirits, animal spirits, flow of spirits; glee, high glee, ... show more

2 merriment

Activities that are enjoyable or amusing.

synonyms: fun, playfulness.

Roget 840: amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games; diversion, divertissement; reaction, solace; pastime, passetemps [Fr.], sport; ... show more

Dutch: jolijt, speelsheid
Polish: fun, ubaw

Moby thesaurus: amusement, blithesomeness, buoyancy, celebration, cheer, cheerfulness, conviviality, elation, enjoyment, exhilaration, exuberance, exultation, felicity, festivity, flippancy, frivolity, fun, gaiety, glee, gleefulness ... show more.

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