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1 commons

A piece of open land for recreational use in an urban area.

synonyms: common, green, park.

Roget 298: eating etc. v.; deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, rumination; gluttony etc. 957.    [eating specific foods] ... show more

Roget 799: mart; market, marketplace; fair, bazaar, staple, exchange, change, bourse, hall, guildhall; tollbooth, customhouse; Tattersall's.    ... show more

Dutch: normaal, gewoon, park

2 commons

A pasture subject to common use.

synonym: common land.

Dutch: compascuum, meent
Polish: wygon

3 commons

A class composed of persons lacking clerical or noble rank.

synonyms: commonality, commonalty.

4 Commons

The common people.

synonym: third estate.

Polish: stan trzeci

Moby thesaurus: C ration, K ration, allotment, allowance, board, bourgeoisie, cafeteria, common, common people, common run, common sort, commonage, commonality, commonalty, commoners, dinette, dining car, dining hall, dining room, dining saloon ... show more.

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