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Roget category 298

2. Words relating to space
2.4. Motion
›› 2.4.4. Motion with reference to direction

#298. [Eating.] Food


eating etc. v. — deglutition, gulp, epulation, mastication, manducation, ruminationgluttony etc. 957.
[eating specific foods] hippophagy, ichthyophagy.
[Eating anatomy:] (appetite) etc. 865mouth, jaws, mandible, mazard, gob [Slang], chops.
drinking etc. v. — potation, draught, libationcarousal etc. (amusement) 840drunkenness etc. 959.
food, pabulumaliment, nourishment, nutrimentsustenance, sustentation, sustentionnurture, subsistence, provender, corn, feed, fodder, provision, ration, keep, commons, boardcommissariat etc. (provision) 637prey, forage, pasture, pasturagefare, cheerdiet, dietaryregimenbelly timber, staff of lifebread, bread and cheese.
comestibles, eatables, victuals, edibles, ingestagrub, grubstake, prog, meatbread, bread stuffscerealiacerealsviands, cates, delicacy, dainty, creature comforts, contents of the larder, fleshpotsfestal boardambrosiagood cheer, good living.
beef, bisquit, buncornstarch [U.S.]cookie, cooky [U.S.]cracker, doughnutfatling hardtack, hoecake [U.S.], hominy [U.S.]mutton, pilot breadporkroti, rusk, ship biscuitvealjoint, piece de resistance [Fr.], roast and boiledremove, entremet, releve [Fr.], hash, rechauffe [Fr.], stew, ragout, fricassee, mincepottage, potage, broth, soup, consomme, puree, spoonmeatpie, pasty, volauventpudding, omeletpastrysweets etc. 296kickshawscondiment etc. 393.
appetizer, hors d'oeuvre [Fr.].
main course, entree.
alligator pear, apple &c., apple slumpartichokeashcake, griddlecake, pancake, flapjackatole, avocado, banana, beche de mer [Fr.], barbecue, beefsteakbeet rootblackberry, blancmange, bloater, bouilli, bouillon, breadfruit, chop suey [U.S.]chowder, chupatty, clam, compote, damper, fish, frumenty, grapes, hasty pudding, ice cream, lettuce, mango, mangosteen, mince pie, oatmeal, oyster, pineapple, porridge, porterhouse steak, salmis, sauerkraut, sea slug, sturgeon ("Albany beef"), succotash [U.S.], supawn [U.S.], trepang, vanilla, waffle, walnut.
table, cuisine, bill of fare, menu, table d'hote [Fr.], ordinary, entree.
meal, repast, feed, spreadmessdish, plate, courseregaleregalement, refreshment, entertainmentrefection, collation, picnic, feast, banquet, junketbreakfastlunch, luncheondejeuner [Fr.], bever, tiffin, dinner, supper, snack, junk food, fast food, whet, bait, dessertpotluck, table d'hote [Fr.], dejeuner a la fourchette [Fr.]hearty meal, square meal, substantial meal, full mealblowout [Slang]light refreshmentbara, chotahazribara khana.
mouthful, bolus, gobbet, morsel, sop, sippet.
drink, beverage, liquor, broth, souppotion, dram, draught, drench, swill [Slang]nip, sip, sup, gulp.
wine, spirits, liqueur, beer, ale, malt liquor, Sir John Barleycorn, stingo, heavy wetgrog, toddy, flip, purl, punch, negus, cup, bishop, wassailgin etc. (intoxicating liquor) 959 coffee, chocolate, cocoa, tea, the cup that cheers but not inebriatesbock beer, lager beer, Pilsener beer, schenck beerBrazil tea, cider, claret, ice water, mate, mint julep [U.S.]near beer, 3.
2 beer, non-alcoholic beverage.
eating house etc. 189.
[person who eats] dinerhippophageglutton etc. 957.


eat, feed, fare, devour, swallow, takegulp, bolt, snapfall todespatch, dispatchdiscusstake down, get down, gulp downlay in, tuck in [Slang]lick, pick, peckgormandize etc. 957bite, champ, munch, cranch, craunch, crunch, chew, masticate, nibble, gnaw, mumble.
live onfeed upon, batten upon, fatten upon, feast uponbrowse, graze, crop, regalecarouse etc. (make merry) 840eat heartily, do justice to, play a good knife and fork, banquet.
break bread, break one's fastbreakfast, lunch, dine, take tea, sup.
drink in, drink up, drink one's fillquaff, sip, supsuck, suck uplap swigswill [Slang], chugalug [Slang], tipple etc. (be drunken) 959empty one's glass, drain the cuptoss off, toss one's glasswash down, crack a bottle, wet one's whistle.
purvey etc. 637.


eatable, edible, esculent, comestible, alimentarycereal, cibariousdieteticculinarynutritive, nutritiousgastricsucculentpotable, potulentbibulous.
omnivorous, carnivorous, herbivorous, granivorous, graminivorous, phytivorousichthyivorousomophagic, omophagouspantophagous, phytophagous, xylophagous.


across the walnuts and the wine" [Tennyson]; blessed hour of our dinners! " [O. Meredith]; now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on now good digestion wait on appetite, and health on both! " [Macbeth]; who can cloy the hungry edge of appetite? [Richard II],

The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.

Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.

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