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1 deuce

A tie in tennis or table tennis that requires winning two successive points to win the game.

Roget 840: amusement, entertainment, recreation, fun, game, fun and games; diversion, divertissement; reaction, solace; pastime, passetemps [Fr.], sport; ... show more

2 deuce

The cardinal number that is the sum of one and one or a numeral representing this number.

synonyms: 2, II, two.

Roget 89: duality, dualism; duplicity; biplicity, biformity; polarity.    two, deuce, couple, duet, brace, pair, cheeks, twins, ... show more

Dutch: twee
Polish: dwójeczka

3 deuce

A word used in exclamations of confusion:
— The deuce with it.

synonyms: devil, dickens.

4 deuce

One of the four playing cards in a deck that have two spots.

synonym: two.

Polish: dwójka

Moby thesaurus: ace, best bower, bower, cards, clubs, craps, deck, diamonds, doubleton, dummy, face cards, flush, full house, hand, hearts, jack, joker, king, knave, left bower ... show more.

Find more on deuce elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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