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1 spare

An extra component of a machine or other apparatus.

synonym: spare part.

Dutch: reserveonderdeel
Polish: część zamienna

2 spare

An extra car wheel and tire for a four-wheel vehicle.

synonym: fifth wheel.

Dutch: reservewiel

3 spare

A score in tenpins; knocking down all ten after rolling two balls.


1 spare

Refrain from harming.

synonym: save.

Roget 623: abstain, refrain, spare, not attempt; not do etc. 681; maintain the even tenor of one's way.    eschew, keep from, let alone, have nothing to do with; keep aloof keep off, stand aloof, ... show more

Roget 681: not do, not act, not attempt; be inactive etc. 683; abstain from doing, do nothing, hold, spare; not stir, not move, not lift a finger, not lift a foot, ... show more

Roget 953: be temperate etc. adj.; abstain, forbear, refrain, deny oneself, spare, swear off.    know when one has had enough, know one's limit.    take the pledge, go on the wagon.    ... show more

2 spare

Save or relieve from an experience or action.

3 spare

Give up what is not strictly needed:
— He asked if they could spare one of their horses to speed his journey.

synonyms: dispense with, give up, part with.

Roget 784: deliver, hand, pass, put into the hands of; hand over, make over, deliver over, pass over, turn over; assign dower.    present, give away, dispense, dispose of; ... show more

Roget 678: not use; do without, dispense with, let alone, not touch, forbear, abstain, spare, waive, neglect; keep back, reserve.    lay up, lay by, ... show more

Roget 782: relinquish, give up, surrender, yield, cede; let go, let slip; spare, drop, resign, forego, renounce, abandon, expropriate, ... show more

Roget 927a: be exempt etc. adj.. exempt, release, acquit, discharge, quitclaim, remise, remit; free, set at liberty, let off, ... show more

4 spare

Use frugally or carefully.


1 spare

Thin and fit:
— The spare figure of a marathon runner.

synonym: trim.

Roget 817: economical, frugal, careful, thrifty, saving, chary, spare, sparing; parsimonious etc. 819.    underpaid.   

Roget 193: little; small etc. (in quantity) 32; minute, diminutive, microscopic; microzoal; inconsiderable etc. (unimportant) 643; exiguous, ... show more

2 spare

More than is needed, desired, or required:
— Sleeping in the spare room.

synonyms: excess, extra, redundant, supererogatory, superfluous, supernumerary, surplus.

Roget 636: stored etc. v.; in store, in reserve, in ordinary; spare, supernumerary.   

Roget 641: redundant; too much, too many; exuberant, inordinate, superabundant, excessive, overmuch, replete, profuse, lavish; prodigal etc. 818; ... show more

Polish: zbytni

3 spare

Not taken up by scheduled activities:
— Spare time on my hands.

synonym: free.

4 spare

Kept in reserve especially for emergency use.

Polish: zapasowy, rezerwowy

5 spare

Lacking in magnitude or quantity:
— A spare diet.

synonyms: bare, scanty.

Roget 203: narrow, close; slender, thin, fine; thread-like etc. (filament) 205; finespun, gossamer; paper-thin; taper, ... show more

Roget 640: insufficient, inadequate; too little etc. 32; not enough etc. 639; unequal to; incompetent etc. (impotent) 158; weighed in the balance and found wanting;" ... show more

6 spare

Lacking embellishment or ornamentation.

synonyms: bare, plain, unembellished, unornamented.

Moby thesaurus: Lenten, Scotch, Spartan, abandon, abjure, absolve, abstain, abstain from, abstemious, accessory, additional, afford, agent, allow, alternate, alternative, amnesty, analogy, ancillary, angular ... show more.

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