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1 delicate

Exquisitely fine and subtle and pleasing; susceptible to injury.

Roget 845: beautiful, beauteous; handsome; gorgeous; pretty; lovely, graceful, elegant, prepossessing; attractive etc. (inviting) 615; delicate, ... show more

Roget 829: causing pleasure etc. v.; laetificant; pleasure-giving, pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable; agreeable; grateful, gratifying; leef, lief, acceptable; ... show more

Roget 960: pure, undefiled, modest, delicate, decent, decorous; virginibus puerisque [Lat.]; simon-pure; chaste, continent, virtuous, honest, Platonic.    virgin, ... show more

Roget 494: real, actual etc. (existing) 1; veritable, true; right, correct; certain etc. 474; substantially true, ... show more

Roget 428: colored etc. v.; colorific, tingent, tinctorial; chromatic, prismatic; full-colored, high-colored, deep-colored; doubly-dyed; polychromatic; ... show more

Roget 394: savory, delicious, tasty, well-tasted, to one's taste, good, palatable, nice, dainty, delectable; toothful, toothsome; gustful, appetizing, ... show more

Roget 329: structural, organic; anatomic, anatomical.    textural, textile; fine grained, coarse grained; fine, delicate, subtile, gossamery, filmy, silky, ... show more

Roget 868: fastidious, nice, delicate, delicat, finical, finicky, demanding, meticulous, exacting, strict, anal [Vulg.], difficult, dainty, lickerish, ... show more

2 delicate

Marked by great skill especially in meticulous technique.

3 delicate

Easily broken or damaged or destroyed:
— A kite too delicate to fly safely.

synonyms: fragile, frail.

4 delicate

Easily hurt:
— A baby's delicate skin.

synonym: soft.

5 delicate

Developed with extreme delicacy and subtlety.

synonym: finespun.

Roget 203: narrow, close; slender, thin, fine; thread-like etc. (filament) 205; finespun, gossamer; paper-thin; taper, ... show more

6 delicate

Difficult to handle; requiring great tact:
— Delicate negotiations with the big powers.

synonyms: ticklish, touchy.

Roget 704: difficult, not easy, hard, tough; troublesome, toilsome, irksome; operose, laborious, onerous, arduous, Herculean, formidable; sooner said than done; ... show more

Polish: drażliwy

7 delicate

Of an instrument or device; capable of registering minute differences or changes precisely.

Polish: wrażliwy, wyczulony

Moby thesaurus: Herculean, Victorian, abstruse, accommodating, accommodative, accurate, adept, aerial, agreeable, airy, allergic, ambrosial, anaphylactic, appreciative, arduous, attentive, attenuate, attenuated, balmy, becoming ... show more.

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