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1 shirk

Avoid (one's assigned duties):
— The derelict soldier shirked his duties.

synonyms: fiddle, goldbrick, shrink from.

Roget 623: abstain, refrain, spare, not attempt; not do etc. 681; maintain the even tenor of one's way.    eschew, keep from, let alone, have nothing to do with; keep aloof keep off, stand aloof, ... show more

Roget 742: disobey, violate, infringe; shirk; set at defiance etc. (defy) 715; set authority at naught, run riot, fly in the face of; take the law into one's own hands; kick over the traces.    turn restive, ... show more

Dutch: zich drukken, zijn plicht ontlopen

2 shirk

Avoid dealing with.

Moby thesaurus: abandon, avoid, bilk, burke, bypass, creep, cut, dodge, dog it, double, duck, duck duty, eschew, evade, fence, get around, get out of, goldbrick, goof off, gumshoe ... show more.

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