English synonyms about - contact  



1 miserly

used of persons or behavior Characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity:
— He left a miserly tip.

synonyms: mean, mingy, tight.

Roget 819: parsimonious, penurious, stingy, miserly, mean, shabby, peddling, scrubby, penny wise, near, niggardly, close; fast handed, close handed, ... show more

Polish: skÄ…py

Moby thesaurus: Lenten, Spartan, a hog for, abject, abstemious, acquisitive, all-devouring, ascetic, austere, avaricious, avid, bottomless, cheap, cheeseparing, chinchy, chintzy, close, closefisted, coveting, covetous ... show more.

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