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1 insignificant

Signifying nothing.

Roget 517: unmeaning; meaningless, senseless; nonsensical; void of sense etc. 516.    inexpressive, unexpressive; vacant; not significant etc. 516; insignificant.    ... show more

Roget 193: little; small etc. (in quantity) 32; minute, diminutive, microscopic; microzoal; inconsiderable etc. (unimportant) 643; exiguous, ... show more

2 insignificant

Of little importance or influence or power; of minor status:
— A minor, insignificant bureaucrat.

synonym: peanut.

Polish: maƂokalibrowy

3 insignificant

Devoid of importance, meaning, or force.

synonym: unimportant.

Roget 643: unimportant; of little account, of small account, of no account, of little importance, of no importance etc. 642; immaterial; unessential, nonessential; indifferent.    subordinate etc. ... show more

4 insignificant

Small and unimpressive:
— An insignificant sum of money.

synonym: dinky.

Moby thesaurus: aimless, back-burner, casual, cursory, depthless, designless, dinky, dispensable, empty, few, footling, garbled, immaterial, importless, inane, inappreciable, inconsequential, inconsiderable, inessential, inferior ... show more.

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