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1 embryonic

Of an organism prior to birth or hatching:
— In the embryonic stage.

synonyms: embryologic, embryonal.

Roget 66: beginning etc. v.; initial, initiatory, initiative; inceptive, introductory, incipient; proemial, inaugural; inchoate, inchoative; ... show more

Roget 674: unprepared etc. (prepare); &c.; 673; without preparation etc. 673; incomplete etc. 53; rudimental, embryonic, ... show more

Roget 193: little; small etc. (in quantity) 32; minute, diminutive, microscopic; microzoal; inconsiderable etc. (unimportant) 643; exiguous, ... show more

Polish: zarodkowy, płodowy, prenatalny, embrionalny

2 embryonic

In an early stage of development:
— The embryonic government staffed by survivors of the massacre.
— An embryonic nation, not yet self-governing.

synonym: embryotic.

Roget 153: caused etc. v.; causal, original; primary, primitive, primordial; aboriginal; protogenal; radical; embryonic, embryotic; in embryo, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: abecedarian, aboriginal, antenatal, arrested, atomic, autochthonous, backward, basal, basic, beginning, budding, callow, central, coarse, corpuscular, creative, crucial, crude, defective, deficient ... show more.

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