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1 turgid

Ostentatiously lofty in style.

synonyms: bombastic, declamatory, large, orotund, tumid.

Roget 579: inelegant, graceless, ungraceful; harsh, abrupt; dry, stiff, cramped, formal, guinde [Fr.]; forced, labored; artificial, mannered, ... show more

Roget 641: redundant; too much, too many; exuberant, inordinate, superabundant, excessive, overmuch, replete, profuse, lavish; prodigal etc. 818; ... show more

Roget 882: ostentatious, showy, dashing, pretentious; janty, jaunty; grand, pompous, palatial; high-sounding; turgid etc. (big-sounding) 577; ... show more

Roget 577: ornament etc. v.; beautified etc. 847; ornate, florid, rich, flowery; euphuistic, euphemistic; sonorous; high-sounding, ... show more

2 turgid

Abnormally distended especially by fluids or gas.

synonyms: intumescent, puffy, tumescent, tumid.

Roget 194: expanded, etc. v.; larger, etc. (large) etc. 192; swollen; expansive; wide open, wide spread; flabelliform; overgrown, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: Latinate, aureate, awkward, bellied, bloated, blown up, bombastic, bug-eyed, bulged, cramped, cumbrous, dilated, distended, dropsical, edematous, elephantine, enchymatous, euphuistic, exophthalmic, fat ... show more.

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