English synonyms about - contact  

not to be had


Roget 471: impossible; not possible etc. 470; absurd, contrary to reason; unlikely; unreasonable etc. 477; incredible etc. 485; beyond the bounds of reason, ... show more

Roget 640: insufficient, inadequate; too little etc. 32; not enough etc. 639; unequal to; incompetent etc. (impotent) 158; weighed in the balance and found wanting;" ... show more

Roget 814: dear; high, high priced; of great price, expensive, costly, precious; worth a Jew's eye, dear bought.    at a premium.    not to be had, not to be had for love or money; beyond price, above price, ... show more

Moby thesaurus: at a premium, beyond reach, closed forever to, closed to, impenetrable, impervious, in short supply, inaccessible, lost to, out of print, out of reach, out of season, out of stock, rare, scanty, scarce, sparse, un-come-at-able, unaccessible, unapproachable ... show more.

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