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1 parry

fencing Blocking a lunge or deflecting it with a circular motion of the sword.

Polish: sparowanie, odparowanie

2 parry

A return punch (especially by a boxer).

synonyms: counter, counterpunch.

Dutch: tegenstoot, parade


1 parry

Impede the movement of (an opponent or a ball).

synonyms: block, deflect.

Roget 479: confute, refute, disprove; parry, negative, controvert, rebut, confound, disconfirm, redargue, expose, show the fallacy of, defeat; ... show more

Roget 717: defend, forfend, fend; shield, screen, shroud; engarrison; fend round etc. (circumscribe) 229; fence, entrench, intrench; ... show more

2 parry

Avoid or try to avoid fulfilling, answering, or performing (duties, questions, or issues).

synonyms: circumvent, dodge, duck, elude, evade, fudge, hedge, put off, sidestep, skirt.

Roget 623: abstain, refrain, spare, not attempt; not do etc. 681; maintain the even tenor of one's way.    eschew, keep from, let alone, have nothing to do with; keep aloof keep off, stand aloof, ... show more

Dutch: drukken, omzeilen

Moby thesaurus: about the bush, answer, answer conclusively, argue down, around the bush, back and fill, beat about, beat around, beat off, beg the question, bicker, block, boggle, cavil, check, choplogic, confound, confute, contradict, controvert ... show more.

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