English synonyms about - contact  



1 luminary

A celebrity who is an inspiration to others.

synonyms: guiding light, leading light, notability, notable.

Roget 423: luminary; light etc. 420; flame etc. (fire) 382.    spark, scintilla; phosphorescence, fluorescence.    sun, orb of day, ... show more

Roget 500: sage, wise man; genius; master mind, master spirit of the age; longhead, thinker; intellectual, longhair.    authority, oracle, luminary, shining light, esprit fort, ... show more

Dutch: lichtend voorbeeld, lichtbron, uitblinker
Polish: luminarz

Moby thesaurus: VIP, actinic, big, big name, big-timer, candle, catoptric, celebrity, chief, constellation, cynosure, electric light bulb, electronics king, eminence, figure, fire, first-rater, flame, folk hero, galaxy ... show more.

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