English synonyms about - contact  

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1 cognizance

Having knowledge of.

synonyms: awareness, cognisance, consciousness, knowingness.

Roget 490: knowledge; cognizance, cognition, cognoscence; acquaintance, experience, ken [Scot.], privity, insight, familiarity; comprehension, apprehension; recognition; appreciation ... show more

Roget 465b: identification, recognition, diagnosis, match; apperception, assimilation; dereplication; classification; memory etc. 505; interpretation etc. 522; ... show more

Dutch: kennisneming, begrip, benul, besef, notie, onderkenning, verstajem
Polish: świadomość, poczucie

2 cognizance

Range of what one can know or understand.

synonym: ken.

3 cognizance

Range or scope of what is perceived.

Moby thesaurus: acknowledgment, apperception, appreciation, appreciativeness, attention, awareness, benediction, cognition, consciousness, credit, crediting, due, grace, heed, hymn, insight, knowledge, mark, mind, mindfulness ... show more.

Find more on cognizance elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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