English synonyms about - contact  

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1 recall

A request by the manufacturer of a defective product to return the product (as for replacement or repair).

synonym: callback.

Roget 737b: politics; political science; candidacy, campaign, campaigning, electioneering; partisanship, ideology, factionalism.    election, poll, ballot, vote, referendum, ... show more

Dutch: terugbellen

2 recall

A call to return.

3 recall

A bugle call that signals troops to return.

4 recall

The process of remembering (especially the process of recovering information by mental effort):
— He has total recall of the episode.

synonyms: recollection, reminiscence.

Dutch: herinnering, reminiscentie

5 recall

The act of removing an official by petition.


1 recall

Recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection.

synonyms: call back, call up, recollect, remember, retrieve, think.

Roget 465b: identify, recognize, match, match up; classify; recall, remember etc. (memory) 505; find similarity (similarity) 17; put in its proper place, ... show more

Roget 756: abrogate, annul, cancel; destroy etc. 162; abolish; revoke, repeal, rescind, reverse, retract, recall; abolitionize; ... show more

Roget 505: remember, mind; retain the memory of, retain the remembrance of; keep in view.    recognize, recollect, bethink oneself, recall, call up, retrace; look back, trace back, ... show more

Roget 607: change one's mind, change one's intention, change one's purpose, change one's note; abjure, renounce; withdraw from etc. (relinquish) 624; waver, vacillate; wheel round, ... show more

Dutch: onthouden, zich herinneren, eraan denken, gedenken, te binnen schieten, doen denken, herinneren, reproduceren, terughalen

2 recall

Go back to something earlier.

synonyms: come back, hark back, return.

Dutch: teruggrijpen

3 recall

Call to mind.

synonym: echo.

4 recall

Summon to return:
— The ambassador was recalled to his country.

synonym: call back.

5 recall

Cause one's (or someone else's) thoughts or attention to return from a reverie or digression.

Dutch: herinneren

6 recall

Make unavailable; bar from sale or distribution.

7 recall

Cause to be returned:
— Recall the defective auto tires.

synonyms: call back, call in, withdraw.

Moby thesaurus: abolish, abolishment, abolition, abrogate, abrogation, anamnesis, annul, annulment, arouse, awaken, bid come, bring back, bring to mind, bring to recollection, call, call away, call back, call for, call forth, call in ... show more.

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