- look like as a verb:
- 1
look like
1 look like
Bear a physical resemblance to.
Roget 448: appear; be visible, become visible etc. 446; seem, look, show; present the appearance of, wear the appearance of, carry the appearance of, have the appearance of, bear the appearance of, exhibit the appearance of, ... show more
Roget 17: be similar etc. adj.; look like, resemble, bear resemblance; smack of, savor of, approximate; parallel, match, rhyme with; take after; imitate ... show more
Dutch: erop lijken, lijken op
Moby thesaurus: ape, appear, appear like, approach, approximate, be like, be redolent of, bear resemblance, bring to mind, call to mind, call up, come close, come near, compare with, copy, correspond, counterfeit, evoke, favor, feel ... show more.
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