Roget category 713
5. Words relating to the voluntary powers› 5.4. Antagonism
›› 5.4.2. Active antagonism
disagreement etc. 24 — discord, disaccord†, dissidence, dissonance — jar, clash, shock — jarring, jostling etc. v. — screw loose.variance, difference, dissension, misunderstanding, cross purposes, odds, brouillerie [Fr.] — division, split, rupture, disruption, division in the camp, house divided against itself, disunion, breach — schism etc. (dissent) 489 — feud, faction.
quarrel, dispute, tiff, tracasserie†, squabble, altercation, barney [Slang], demel_e, snarl, spat, towrow†, words, high words — wrangling etc. v. — jangle, brabble†, cross questions and crooked answers, snip-snap — family jars.
polemics — litigation — strife etc. (contention) 720 — warfare etc. 722 — outbreak, open rupture, declaration of war.
broil, brawl, row, racket, hubbub, rixation† — embroilment, embranglement†, imbroglio, fracas, breach of the peace, piece of work [Fr.], scrimmage, rumpus — breeze, squall — riot, disturbance etc. (disorder) 59 — commotion etc. (agitation) 315 — bear garden, Donnybrook, Donnybrook Fair.
subject of dispute, ground of quarrel, battle ground, disputed point — bone of contention, bone to pick — apple of discord, casus belli [Lat.] — question at issue etc. (subject of inquiry) 461 — vexed question, vexata quaestio [Lat.], brand of discord.
troublous times† — cat-and-dog life — contentiousness etc. adj. — enmity etc. 889 — hate etc. 898 — Kilkenny cats — disputant etc. 710 — strange bedfellows.
be discordant etc. adj. — disagree, come amiss etc. 24 — clash, jar, jostle, pull different ways, conflict, have no measures with, misunderstand one another — live like cat and dog — differ — dissent etc. 489 — have a bone to pick, have a crow to pluck with.fall out, quarrel, dispute — litigate — controvert etc. (deny) 536 — squabble, wrangle, jangle, brangle†, bicker, nag — spar etc. (contend) 720 — have words etc. n.. with — fall foul of.
split — break with, break squares with, part company with — declare war, try conclusions — join issue, put in issue — pick a quarrel, fasten a quarrel on — sow dissension, stir up dissension etc. n. — embroil, entangle, disunite, widen the breach — set at odds, set together by the ears — set against, pit against.
get into hot water, fish in troubled waters, brawl — kick up a row, kick up a dust — turn the house out of window.
discordant — disagreeing etc. v. — out of tune, ajar, on bad terms, dissentient etc. 489 — unreconciled, unpacified — contentious etc. 720.quarrelsome, unpacific† — gladiatorial, controversial, polemic, disputatious — factious — litigious, litigant — pettifogging.
at odds, at loggerheads, at daggers drawn, at variance, at issue, at cross purposes, at sixes and sevens, at feud, at high words — up in arms, together by the ears, in hot water, embroiled.
torn, disunited.
quot homines tot sententiae [Lat.] [Terence]; no love lost between them, non nostrum tantas componere lites [Lat.] [Vergil]; Mars gravior sub pace latet [Lat.] [Claudius].The content on this page comes straight from Project Gutenberg Etext of Roget's Thesaurus No. Two, which consists of the acclaimed work by Peter Mark Roget augmented with more recent material. Some changes were made to the formatting for improved readability.
Bold numbers signify related Roget categories. A dagger symbol (†) indicates archaic words and expressions no longer in common use.
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