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1 concordant

In keeping:
— Expressed views concordant with his background.

synonyms: accordant, agreeable, conformable, consonant.

Roget 23: agreeing, suiting etc. v.; in accord, accordant, concordant, consonant, congruous, consentaneous, correspondent, congenial; coherent; ... show more

Roget 714: concordant, congenial; agreeing etc. v.; in accord etc. n.; harmonious, united, cemented; banded together etc. 712; ... show more

2 concordant

Being of the same opinion.

synonym: concurring.

Polish: zbieżny

Moby thesaurus: accompanying, accordant, according, affirmative, agreeable, agreeing, akin, amicable, anal, answerable, associate, associated, assonant, assonantal, at one, at one with, at peace, attuned, blended, blending ... show more.

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