remember call back call up recall recollect retrieve think know recognise recognize brush up refresh review blank out block draw a blank forget remember think back jump to corresponding sense entry
remember verb
1 remember Recall knowledge from memory; have a recollection:— I can't remember saying any such thing. — Can you remember her phone number?. — Do you remember that he once loved you?.
synonyms: call back , call up , recall , recollect , retrieve , think .
Roget 465b :
identify ,
recognize ,
match ,
match up ;
classify ;
recall ,
505 ;
find similarity
17 ;
put in its proper place ,
put in its proper niche ,
place in order
60 .
... show more
Roget 505 :
remember ,
mind ;
retain the memory of ,
retain the remembrance of ;
keep in view .
recognize ,
recollect ,
bethink oneself ,
recall ,
call up ,
retrace ;
look back ,
trace back ,
trace backwards ;
think back ,
look back upon ;
review ;
call upon ,
recall upon ,
bring to mind ,
bring to remembrance ;
carry one's thoughts back ;
rake up the past .
have in the thoughts ,
hold in the thoughts ,
bear in the thoughts ,
carry in the thoughts ,
keep in the thoughts ,
retain in the thoughts ,
have in the memory ,
hold in the memory ,
bear in the memory ,
carry in the memory ,
keep in the memory ,
retain in the memory ,
have in the mind ,
hold in the mind ,
bear in the mind ,
carry in the mind ,
keep in the mind ,
retain in the mind ,
hold in remembrance ;
be in one's thoughts ,
live in one's thoughts ,
remain in one's thoughts ,
dwell in one's thoughts ,
haunt one's thoughts ,
impress one's thoughts ,
be in one's mind ,
live in one's mind ,
remain in one's mind ,
dwell in one's mind ,
haunt one's mind ,
impress one's mind ,
dwell in one's memory .
sink in the mind ;
run in the head ;
not be able to get out of one's head ;
be deeply impressed with ;
919 .
recur to the mind ;
flash on the mind ,
flash across the memory .
[cause to remember]
remind ;
(inform )
527 ;
prompt ;
put in mind ,
keep in mind ,
bring to mind ;
fan the embers ;
call up ,
summon up ,
rip up ;
renew ;
infandum renovare dolorem [Lat.] ;
jog the memory ,
flap the memory ,
refresh the memory ,
rub up the memory ,
awaken the memory ;
pull by the sleeve ;
bring back to the memory ,
put in remembrance ,
memorialize .
task the memory ,
tax the memory .
get at one's fingers' ends ,
have at one's fingers' ,
learn at one's fingers' ,
know one's lesson ,
say one's lesson ,
repeat by heart ,
repeat by rote ;
say one's lesson ;
repeat ,
repeat as a parrot ;
have at one's fingers' ends ,
have at one's finger tips ;
commit to memory ,
memorize ;
con over ,
con ;
fix in the memory ,
rivet in the memory ,
imprint in the memory ,
impress in the memory ,
stamp in the memory ,
grave in the memory ,
engrave in the memory ,
store in the memory ,
treasure up in the memory ,
bottle up in the memory ,
embalm in the memory ,
enshrine in the memory ;
load the memory with ,
store the memory with ,
stuff the memory with ,
burden the memory with .
redeem from oblivion ;
keep the memory alive ,
keep the wound green ,
pour salt in the wound ,
reopen old wounds' ;
tangere ulcus [Lat.] ;
keep up the memory of ;
883 .
make a note of ,
jot a note ,
pen a memorandum
551 .
... show more
Dutch: onthouden, zich herinneren, eraan denken, gedenken, te binnen schieten, doen denken, herinneren, reproduceren, terughalen
2 remember Keep in mind for attention or consideration:— Remember the Alamo. — Remember to call your mother every day!.
synonym: think of .
Dutch: denken, gedenken
3 remember Recapture the past; indulge in memories:— He remembered how he used to pick flowers.
synonym: think back .
Dutch: bijblijven
4 remember 5 remember Mention favorably, as in prayer.
6 remember Mention as by way of greeting or to indicate friendship:— Remember me to your wife.
synonym: commend .
7 remember Exercise, or have the power of, memory.
Dutch: onthouden, oppikken
8 remember Call to remembrance; keep alive the memory of someone or something, as in a ceremony:— We remembered the 50th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. — Remember the dead of the First World War.
synonym: commemorate .
Moby thesaurus: bear in mind , bring back , bring to mind , bring to recollection , call back , call to mind , call up , carry back , cite , commemorate , conjure up , educe , elicit , evoke , extract , give a hint , give the cue , go back , go back over , hark back , hold the promptbook , jog the memory , keep in mind , look back , memorialize , mind , muse on , nag , nudge , prompt , prompt the mind , put in mind , put in remembrance , recall , recall to mind , recapture , recognize , recollect , reevoke , reflect , remind , remind one of , reminisce , retain , retrace , retrospect , review , review in retrospect , revive , revoke , reward , see in retrospect , suggest , summon up , think back , think of , tip , treasure , use hindsight ... show more .
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