1 illuminant
Something that can serve as a source of light.
Moby thesaurus: aglow, beaming, beamy, benzine, blushing, bright and sunny, burning, candescent, candle, coal oil, electric light bulb, electricity, fire, flame, flushing, gas, gasoline, gleaming, gleamy, glim, glinting, glowing, illuminating, illuminating gas, illuminative, illuminator, illumining, incandescent, incandescent body, irradiative, kerosene, lamp, lamping, lantern, light, light as day, light bulb, light source, luciferous, lucific, luciform, luminant, luminary, luminative, luminiferous, luminificent, luminous, lustrous, match, moon, oil, orient, paraffin, petrol, petroleum, radiant, rutilant, rutilous, shining, shiny, source of light, starbright, starlike, starry, stars, streaming, suffused, sun, sunny, sunshiny, taper, torch ... show more.
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