English synonyms about - contact  

better half


1 better half

A person's partner in marriage.

synonyms: married person, mate, partner, spouse.

Roget 903: marriage, matrimony, wedlock, union, intermarriage, miscegenation, the bonds of marriage, vinculum matrimonii [Lat.], nuptial tie.    married state, coverture, bed, cohabitation.    match; ... show more

Dutch: echtgenoot, levenspartner, partner, wederhelft
Polish: lepsza poĊ‚owa

Moby thesaurus: common-law wife, concubine, consort, feme, feme covert, goodwife, goody, helpmate, helpmeet, lady, married woman, mate, matron, old lady, old woman, partner, rib, spouse, squaw, wedded wife ... show more.

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