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1 brick

Rectangular block of clay baked by the sun or in a kiln; used as a building or paving material.

Roget 948: good man, honest man, worthy.    good woman, perfect lady, Madonna.    model, paragon etc. (perfection) 650; good example; hero, ... show more

Roget 384: increase of temperature; heating etc. v.; calefaction, tepefaction, torrefaction; melting, fusion; liquefaction etc. 335; burning etc. ... show more

Roget 323: hardness etc. adj.; rigidity; renitence, renitency; inflexibility, temper, callosity, durity.    induration, petrifaction; lapidification, ... show more

Roget 939: probity, integrity, rectitude; uprightness etc. adj.; honesty, faith; honor; bonne foi [Fr.], good faith, bona fides [Lat.]; purity, clean hands.    ... show more

Dutch: beschermengel, toeverlaat, kanjer, klinker, baksteen, metselsteen
Polish: cegła, cegłówka

2 brick

A good fellow; helpful and trustworthy.

Dutch: reuzekerel, reuzenkerel
Polish: opoka

Moby thesaurus: Tarmac, Tarvia, adamant, adobe, ashlar, asphalt, biscuit, bisque, bitumen, bituminous macadam, blacktop, block, board, bone, bowl, bricks and mortar, buddy, cement, ceramic ware, ceramics ... show more.

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