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1 wedding

The social event at which the ceremony of marriage is performed.

synonyms: hymeneals, nuptials, wedding ceremony.

Roget 903: marriage, matrimony, wedlock, union, intermarriage, miscegenation, the bonds of marriage, vinculum matrimonii [Lat.], nuptial tie.    married state, coverture, bed, cohabitation.    match; ... show more

Dutch: huwelijk, bruiloft, trouwdienst
Polish: gody, wesele

2 wedding

The act of marrying; the nuptial ceremony.

synonyms: marriage, marriage ceremony.

Polish: żeniaczka, ożenek

3 wedding

A party of people at a wedding.

synonym: wedding party.

Moby thesaurus: Anschluss, Gretna Green wedding, addition, affiliation, agglomeration, aggregation, agreement, alliance, amalgamation, assimilation, association, banns, blend, blending, bridal, bridal suite, bridechamber, cabal, cartel, centralization ... show more.

Find more on wedding elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.



1 Wed

The fourth day of the week; the third working day.

synonyms: Midweek, Wednesday.

Dutch: woensdag
Polish: środa


1 wed

Take in marriage.

synonyms: conjoin, espouse, get hitched with, get married, hook up with, marry.

Roget 903: marry, wive, take to oneself a wife; be married, be spliced; go off, pair off; wed, espouse, get hitched [U.S.], lead to the hymeneal altar, take 'for better for worse'," give one's hand to, bestow one's hand upon.    ... show more

Dutch: huwen, in de echt verbinden, trouwen, zich in de echt verbinden

2 wed

Perform a marriage ceremony:
— We were wed the following week.

synonyms: marry, splice, tie.

Dutch: huwen, trouwen


1 wed

Having been taken in marriage.

synonym: wedded.

Moby thesaurus: affiliate, ally, apply, arrange a match, associate, band together, be in cahoots, be made one, be spliced, become one, bind, bracket, bunch, bunch up, cabal, catch, cement a union, centralize, club, club together ... show more.

Find more on wed elsewhere: etymology - rhymes - Wikipedia.

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