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1 soft

Yielding readily to pressure or weight.

Roget 862: coward, cowardly; fearful, shy; timid, timorous; skittish; poor-spirited, spiritless, soft, effeminate.    weak-minded; infirm of purpose etc. ... show more

Roget 822: sensible, sensitive; impressible, impressionable; susceptive, susceptible; alive to, impassionable, gushing; warm hearted, tender hearted, soft hearted; tender as a chicken; soft, ... show more

Roget 499: unintelligent [Applied to persons], unintellectual, unreasoning; mindless, witless, reasoningless, brainless; halfbaked; having no head etc. 498; not bright etc. ... show more

Roget 486: credulous, gullible; easily deceived etc. 545; simple, green, soft, childish, silly, stupid; easily convinced; over-credulous, over confident, ... show more

Roget 413: harmonious, harmonical; in concord etc. n., in tune, in concert; unisonant, concentual, symphonizing, isotonic, homophonous, assonant; ariose, ... show more

Roget 403: silent; still, stilly; noiseless, soundless; hushed etc. v.; mute etc. 581.    soft, solemn, awful, ... show more

Roget 339: moist, damp; watery etc. 337; madid, roric; undried, humid, sultry, wet, dank, luggy, dewy; ... show more

Roget 255: smooth; polished etc. v.; leiodermatous, slick, velutinous; even; level etc. 213; plane etc. ... show more

Roget 345: marsh, marshy; swampy, boggy, plashy, poachy, quaggy, soft; muddy, sloppy, squashy; paludal; moorish, moory; ... show more

Polish: miękki, nietwardy, niesztywny

2 soft

Compassionate and kind; conciliatory.

3 soft

of sound Relatively low in volume.

Polish: miękki

5 soft

Produced with vibration of the vocal cords.

synonyms: sonant, voiced.

Dutch: stemhebbend

6 soft

Not protected against attack (especially by nuclear weapons).

7 soft

used chiefly as a direction or description in music Soft; in a quiet, subdued tone.

synonym: piano.

8 soft

of light Transmitted from a broad light source or reflected.

synonyms: diffuse, diffused.

9 soft

of speech sounds (of speech sounds); produced with the back of the tongue raised toward the hard palate; characterized by a hissing or hushing sound (as `s' and `sh').

4 soft

Easily hurt:
— Soft hands.

synonym: delicate.

10 soft

of a commodity or market or currency Falling or likely to fall in value.

11 soft

Using evidence not readily amenable to experimental verification or refutation.

12 soft

Tolerant or lenient:
— Too soft on the children.
— They are soft on crime.

synonyms: indulgent, lenient.

Roget 740: lenient; mild, mild as milk; gentle, soft; tolerant, indulgent, easy-going; clement etc. (compassionate) 914; forbearing; ... show more

Roget 174: moderate; lenient etc. 740; gentle, mild, mellow; cool, sober, temperate, reasonable, measured; tempered etc. ... show more

Roget 914: pitying etc. v.; pitiful, compassionate, sympathetic, touched.    merciful, clement, ruthful; humane; humanitarian etc. ... show more

Polish: pobłażliwy

13 soft

Soft and mild; not harsh or stern or severe.

synonym: gentle.

Roget 405: inaudible; scarcely audible, just audible; low, dull; stifled, muffled; hoarse, husky; gentle, soft, faint; floating; purling, ... show more

Polish: delikatny

14 soft

Having little impact:
— A soft (or light) tapping at the window.

synonyms: easy, gentle.

15 soft

Out of condition; not strong or robust; incapable of exertion or endurance:
— He was too soft for the army.

synonyms: flabby, flaccid.

Roget 324: soft, tender, supple; pliant, pliable; flexible, flexile; lithe, lithesome; lissom, limber, plastic; ductile; tractile, ... show more

Roget 160: weak, feeble, debile; impotent etc. 158; relaxed, unnerved, etc. v.; sapless, strengthless, powerless; weakly, ... show more

16 soft

Willing to negotiate and compromise.

17 soft

Not burdensome or demanding; borne or done easily and without hardship:
— A soft job.

synonyms: cushy, easygoing.

Polish: ciepły, cieplutki

18 soft

Mild and pleasant:
— A soft breeze.

synonyms: balmy, mild.

19 soft

Not brilliant or glaring:
— The moon cast soft shadows.
— Soft pastel colors.

synonym: subdued.

Polish: subtelny, łagodny, delikatny, miękki


1 soft

In a relaxed manner; or without hardship.

synonym: easy.

Moby thesaurus: Mickey Mouse, accented, accepting, adoring, affectionate, afraid, alveolar, anemic, apical, apico-alveolar, apico-dental, articulated, assimilated, asthenic, at peace, baccate, back, balmy, barely audible, barytone ... show more.

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