English synonyms about - contact  

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1 Sweet

English phonetician; one of the founders of modern phonetics (1845-1912).

synonym: Henry Sweet.

2 sweet

A dish served as the last course of a meal.

synonyms: afters, dessert.

Dutch: dessert, nagerecht, toemaatje, toespijs, toetje
Polish: deser

3 sweet

A food rich in sugar.

synonym: confection.

Dutch: suikergoed
Polish: słodycze

4 sweet

The taste experience when sugar dissolves in the mouth.

synonyms: sugariness, sweetness.

5 sweet

The property of tasting as if it contains sugar.

synonym: sweetness.

Polish: słodkość, słodycz


1 sweet

Having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar.

Roget 897: loving etc. v.; fond of; taken with, struck with; smitten, bitten; attached to, wedded to; enamored; charmed etc. v.; ... show more

Roget 652: clean, cleanly; pure; immaculate; spotless, stainless, taintless; trig; without a stain, unstained, unspotted, unsoiled, unsullied, untainted, ... show more

Polish: słodki

2 sweet

Having a sweet nature befitting an angel or cherub:
— A sweet disposition.

synonyms: angelic, angelical, cherubic, seraphic.

Roget 829: causing pleasure etc. v.; laetificant; pleasure-giving, pleasing, pleasant, pleasurable; agreeable; grateful, gratifying; leef, lief, acceptable; ... show more

Polish: anielski

3 sweet

Pleasing to the ear.

synonyms: dulcet, honeyed, mellifluous, mellisonant.

Roget 413: harmonious, harmonical; in concord etc. n., in tune, in concert; unisonant, concentual, symphonizing, isotonic, homophonous, assonant; ariose, ... show more

Roget 396: sweet; saccharine, sacchariferous; dulcet, candied, honied, luscious, lush, nectarious, melliferous; sweetened etc. v.. sweet as a nut, ... show more

4 sweet

Pleasing to the senses.

Polish: słodki

5 sweet

Pleasing to the mind or feeling:
— Sweet revenge.

synonym: gratifying.

6 sweet

Having a natural fragrance.

synonyms: odoriferous, odorous, perfumed, scented, sweet-scented, sweet-smelling.

7 sweet

used of wines Having a high residual sugar content.

Polish: niewytrawny

8 sweet

Not containing or composed of salt water.

synonym: fresh.

Roget 428: colored etc. v.; colorific, tingent, tinctorial; chromatic, prismatic; full-colored, high-colored, deep-colored; doubly-dyed; polychromatic; ... show more

9 sweet

Not soured or preserved:
— Sweet milk.

synonyms: fresh, unfermented.

10 sweet

With sweetening added.

synonyms: sugared, sweet-flavored, sweetened.


1 sweet

In an affectionate or loving manner (`sweet' is sometimes a poetic or informal variant of `sweetly'):
— Susan Hayward plays the wife sharply and sweetly.
— How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank.
— Talking sweet to each other.

synonym: sweetly.

Moby thesaurus: Jell-O, accommodating, achingly sweet, admirable, adorable, affable, aftertaste, agreeable, agreeable-sounding, ambrosial, amiable, amicable, angel, angelic, appealing, ariose, arioso, aromatic, attentive, attractive ... show more.

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