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1 steep

A steep place (as on a hill).


1 steep

Devote (oneself) fully to.

synonyms: absorb, engross, engulf, immerse, plunge, soak up.

Roget 337: be watery etc. adj.; reek.    add water, water, wet; moisten etc. 339; dilute, dip, immerse; merge; ... show more

Dutch: opgaan

2 steep

Let sit in a liquid to extract a flavor or to cleanse:
— Steep the blossoms in oil.
— Steep the fruit in alcohol.

synonym: infuse.

Dutch: wellen


1 steep

Having a sharp inclination.

2 steep

Greatly exceeding bounds of reason or moderation.

synonyms: exorbitant, extortionate, outrageous, unconscionable, usurious.

Polish: horrendalny

3 steep

Of a slope; set at a high angle.

Polish: spadzisty

Moby thesaurus: Herculean, Olympian, Olympian heights, a bit much, abandoned, abrupt, abstruse, acme, aerial, aerial heights, airy, altitudinous, apex, arduous, ascending, aspiring, bathe, besprinkle, bluff, bold ... show more.

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