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1 gradual

Roman Catholic Church An antiphon (usually from the Book of Psalms) immediately after the epistle at Mass.

Dutch: geleidelijk


1 gradual

Proceeding in small stages.

Roget 275: slow, slack; tardy; dilatory etc. (inactive) 683; gentle, easy; leisurely; deliberate, gradual; insensible, imperceptible; ... show more

Roget 69: continuous, continued; consecutive; progressive, gradual; serial, successive; immediate, unbroken, entire; linear; in a line, in a row etc. ... show more

Roget 26: comparative; gradual, shading off; within the bounds etc. (limit) 233.   

Polish: stadialny, etapowy

2 gradual

of a topographical gradient Not steep or abrupt.

Moby thesaurus: ambling, cautious, circumspect, claudicant, crawling, creeping, creeping like snail, deliberate, dilatory, easy, even, faltering, flagging, foot-dragging, gentle, halting, hobbled, hobbling, idle, inchmeal ... show more.

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