receptive as an adjective: - 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
1 receptive
Open to arguments, ideas, or change.
2 receptive
Ready or willing to receive favorably:
— Receptive to the proposals.
synonym: open.
3 receptive
Of a nerve fiber or impulse originating outside and passing toward the central nervous system.
synonyms: centripetal, sensory.
4 receptive
Able to absorb liquid (not repellent).
Moby thesaurus: accessible, acquiescent, adaptable, admissible, admissive, admissory, agreeable, alacritous, alert, alive to, amenable, amiable, apt, ardent, astute, aware, bendable, bending, bright, clever, cognizant, compliant, conscious, consenting, content, cooperative, cordial, delicate, disposed, docile, ductile, eager, educable, elastic, emotionable, enthusiastic, extensible, extensile, fabricable, facile, fain, favorable, favorably disposed, favorably inclined, fictile, flexible, flexile, flexuous, formable, formative, forward, friendly, game, generous, genial, giving, gracious, hearty, hospitable, imbibitory, impressible, impressionable, impressive, in the mind, in the mood, inclined, influenceable, ingestive, instructable, intelligent, interested, intromissive, intromittent, invitatory, inviting, keen, liberal, like putty, limber, lissome, lithe, lithesome, malleable, minded, moldable, motivated, movable, neighborly, open, open-minded, openhearted, passible, perceptive, persuadable, persuasible, pervious, plastic, pliable, pliant, predisposed, prompt, prone, quick, ready, ready and willing, receivable, receiving, receptible, recipient, responsive, ripe for instruction, schoolable, sensatory, sensible, sensile, sensimotor, sensitive, sensitive to, sensorial, sensorimotor, sensory, sensuous, sentient, sequacious, shapable, sharp, sib, soft, softhearted, springy, suasible, submissive, suggestible, supple, susceptible, susceptive, swayable, sympathetic, teachable, tender, tenderhearted, thirsty for knowledge, tractable, tractile, trainable, warm, warmhearted, weak, welcoming, well-disposed, well-inclined, whippy, willed, willing, willinghearted, willowy, yielding, zealous ... show more.
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